It was around 8.30pm, 30th April. I stepped out of the bus at Puduraya and went straight to the KFC outlet right across it. My louma, sufang, is already there waiting for me...

1st May is Labour's Day and it's a public holiday. Since laptop money is in, I decided to take my louma for a trip to GENTING HIGHLANDS.

waiting for KTM (around 7am )

We woke up early because we were warned that 1st May would be crowded and it would be hard to find bus up to GENTING. We woke up around 6.30am and ate McDonald for breakfast. We reached Putra at around 9.30am. From there, we waited until the next available bus, which is at 11.30am.

McDonald's Big Breakfast (YUMMY ^^)

ticket station at PUTRA

while waiting for the bus (2hrs of waiting, damn tiring)


louma on the bus

me ^^
me and my louma ^o^

Below are the pictures that we took while in GENTING. sufang doesnt want to go for the outdoor theme park, so we just went to the indoor theme park. It was exciting and fun, being with my louma ^^

inside the gondola (cable car)


snow world (so nice ^.^)

haunted house ( louma is so scared of the skeleton )

louma and i compared to the world's tallest man

the "LUCKY" chair

wow !!!

if we were midgets

We stayed overnight and CHIN SWEE TEMPLE. It's a temple-cum-hotel. There were many Budhist-related things to see also...

journey to enlightment
journey to the west !!!!

That is all for our GENTING trip.. Only one word to describe it.... AWESOME !!!!


2010 @ My Life My Story | by sendomike|