Child abuse is the physical, sexual and emotional
mistreatment of children.
Child abuse has been going on forever,
but no one has really done anything about it....
But this time, things are going to change....
I'm on board..
What about you????
Acts of child abuse I would never want to see happening again
There are many forms of child abuse.
I had listed the common abuse below and i do not wish
to see any kind of abuse happening to children as they should be
treated tenderly and with love.
Child neglect happens when parents fails
to provide adequately for their children,
including physical, emotional, medical and educational.
Parents have the responsibility to take care of their children
and neglecting their children is one of the worst child abuse of all
and i would never want see it happen again..
Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse is a form of abuse
where older adolescent abuses a child for sexual stimulation
Forms include pressuring child to engage in sexual activities,
indecent exposure of private parts to a child,
displaying pornographic content to a child, or
actual sexual contact with a child
I would never want to see child sexual abuse happening
because this is no doubt the worst kind of abuse
and only an animal would do these things and it will
impact the child forever...
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse means physical aggression shown by adults
towards children, which includes
striking, shoving, kicking, slapping
and shaking a child.
Physical abuse can hurt a child not only physically,
but emotionally as well....
Therefore, I do not want to see it happening again
because a child is a God's creation and should be treated with love and care.
Psychological / Emotional Abuse
Of all the possible types of child abuse, emotional or psychological abuse is the
hardest to define. It includes name-calling, degradation, ridiculing,
destruction or throwing of personal belongings or pets, humiliation and negative labeling.
For me, this form of abuse is way too common
and people don't usually do anything about it...
Therefore, I do not wish to see this act happening because
it may affect the children drastically and they may feel
helpless, started to blame themselves and become anti-social.
Show The Children You Care
do you part in preventing child abuse.
visit unicef website to find out more about preventing child abuse.
You are the one who can make the difference...
don't turn a blind eye to child abuse
and do you part
in tackling the monsters within our midst.
Children are innocent and they should be
nurtured with care and love
in order to grow up to be a healthy adult.
and stop child abuse together !!!
Visit Unicef Malaysia website to know more =)